
Spider Project. WEB.PI.DASH (second edition)

How to use Spider Project WEB + PI + DASH.
The book was written by Marcus Possi, Matheus Soares Viana Fonseca, e Mizael dos Santos Farias
It is available here:
In Portuguese

Spider Project. Methodology and Quality of Project Management.

A book on Spider Project was published in Brazil
(in English, 4-th edition).The book was written by Marcus Possi and Peter Mello with the Preface and Introduction by Vladimir Liberzon.
The site where the book can be ordered:

Now available at as:

Ebook (free)

Spider Project. Metodologia e Qualidade em Gerenciamento de Projetos.

A book on Spider Project was published in Brazil
(in English, 5-th edition).The book was written by Marcus Possi and Peter Mello with the Preface and Introduction by Vladimir Liberzon.

Now available at as:
